tempering chocolate
Tempering Chocolate
Learn to temper chocolate flawlessly with these simple steps. Tempering chocolate is a science. It is the process of melting chocolate to a specific temperature to crystalize the fat in the cocoa…
homemade pasta
Homemade Italian Pasta Dough
There are many versions of pasta recipes, and I have tried them all for personal curiosity and professional reasons. After a year making pasta in a fine dining restaurant, I can tell…
Pan-Fried Salmon & Asian Vegetable Wok
Are you looking for a quick & easy meal in under 30-Minutes? This flaky, delicious salmon with nutrient-rich vegetables is a cinch to prepare. To perfectly balance the medium cook of the…
French Chocolate Mendiants
Mendiants are extremely popular during the holidays in France, such as Christmas or Easter, but you can make this chic & easy gift any time of year because who doesn't love handmade…
Clafoutis with Mirabelles, Red Plums & Liquor
Clafoutis is a traditional French dessert that has become popular the world over for its simplicity and versatility. As one of my favorite desserts growing up, with its flan-like eggy batter that’s…